Application Form

Application Form


Log in here if you previously have applied for a job with us: 
Københavns Universitet logo
You are now applying for the position
PhD fellowship at the Department of Food and Resource Economics
Need support?
BROWSER The system can be run in the latest versions of the most common web browsers, such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari. We recommend that you do not use Internet Explorer.

USER PROFIL If you do not have a profile, or it has been a while since you sent your last application, simply fill out the form. Once you have selected Save draft or Send application, a profile will automatically be created and you will receive an email with your candidate profile login information.

 APPLICATION UPLOAD Please be aware that uploading your application and documents can take as long as 3-5 minutes. Check your inbox for a message confirming your application.

QuickApply with Jobindex

Use your Jobindex profile to apply with.

Personal information

Private phone (incl. area code) 

Mobile (incl. area code) 

Special Condition

Academic work and research
Participation in scientific work
Study abroad
Previously started PhD studies
InstitutionCountrySubject or project titleStart timeCompletion timeDegree (if obtained)Actions
No records found...
PhD project
Subject or project title
Suggest/desired PhD supervisor (name, position and department)
Co-supervisor (name, position and institution)
Bachelor's degree
Name of degree/subject/areaCompleted or expected to be completedInstitution where the degree was obtainedCountry where the degree was obtainedTitle of final assignment/project/thesisStatus of degreeAverage grade for academic degreeActions
No records found...
Master's degree
Name of degree/subject/areaCompleted or expected to be completedInstitution where the degree was obtainedCountry where the degree was obtainedTitle of final assignment/project/thesisStatus of degreeAverage grade for academic degreeActions
No records found...


How to upload documents

  1. Click Select in the field below
  2. Select the document type you wish to upload, e.g. CV
  3. Click the Select & Upload button
  4. Find your document and click Open
  5. Once uploaded, your document should be listed on the page.

DOCUMENT TYPES You can upload multiple files per document type (except cover letter and CV). Just repeat the steps above. Use the appropriate types for the documents accordingly. 

REQUIRED The document types listed below in red are required to send the application. They will turn green once uploaded correctly.

  • NOTE! Please see the total list of required documents for this position in the job advertisement.

FILE SIZE Max 10 MB per file.


Mandatory document types

  • CV
  • Cover letter
  • Diploma and transcripts of records (Bachelor and Master degree in one file)
Document NameCategoryAction

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